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N0121 - Grape Swirl Necklace - Designer: Guest Designer
Grape Swirl Necklace created by guest designer:
Karen Johnston

Inspired by the lush vineyards of Napa Valley, this 24 inch, single strand necklace design was created around the Woodland Leaf Pendant with an assortment of fresh water pearls, Czech glass beads, and crystals. The linked chain incorporates natural brass beads and findings with Kazuri ceramic beads which compliment the pendant.

Natural brass beads & findings:
BC60- 7mm Flower Petal Bead Cap
BC90- 6mm Daisy Bead Cap
BD10- 7mm Round Filigree Bead
BD50- 12mm Oval Filigree Bead - wrap
BD180- 2mm Round Crimp Bead
CH20- 6mm Fine Oval Chain
CH30- 7mm Etched Cable Chain
CL30- 8 x 13mm Lobster Clasp (optional)
EP15- 1 1/2” Eye Pin
HPF15- 1 1/2" Pearl Head Pin or HP1 - 1” Head Pin
JR10- 4mm Jump Ring/Spacer
JR30- 6mm Jump Ring
P181- 23 x 38mm Woodland Leaf Pendant
TR40- 16 x 26mm Leaf Toggle Ring
TB40- 6 x 30mm Leaf Toggle Bar

Tools & Supplies:
TS-03 - Ergonomic Rosary plier, round w/ cutter
TS-04 - Ergonomic Chain nose pliers,(2 pair)
TS-02 - Ergonomic Side cutter

Special Tools:
Hand held, battery operated pearl drill (optional use for HP1)
Jeweler’s glue

Other materials:
12 mm Round Kazuri ceramic beads
Assortment of freshwater pearls, Czech glass beads, and crystals

Artist Materials:
Kazuri Ceramic Beads
Available at! www.antelopebeads.com

Helpful Tips:
1: Drilling Pearls
If you find that your head pin does not go easily through a pearl, you can make the hole larger by using a pearl drill. Hold the pearl firmly. Start on one end and gently let the drill go through half way. Turn the pearl and go half way through the other side. Repeat until the hole is the size you need.

2: Double Sided Toggle
To give a professional look to your toggles make them double-sided by gluing two together. Using jeweler’s glue, make a bead around the outside edge of one toggle, press the second toggle on top and align the hole and edges. Clip together with two small binder clips. Let dry.


Step 1: Creating the Dangles on Woodland Pendant
A: Select your pearls, glass and crystal beads that you would like to dangle down on the Woodland Leaf. You will be using between 13-15 beads for the pendant depending on the size of the beads. Make an extra 3 dangles for the Leaf Toggle Bar. Check to see that the head pins go through the pearls. If they seem to stick, drill the hole larger.
B: Start with the larger pearls. String one pearl, one bead cap, and one 3mm crystal on a 1” headpin. You may have 2-4 larger pearls that can accommodate a bead cap. Then string the smaller beads with one 2mm crimp on a 1” headpin.
C: All dangles should have a simple loop so as to give visual conformity to the piece.
D: To make the loop on the dangle, hold the headpin and cut approximately ¼” above the bead using the side cutters.
E: Hold the bead securely with your fingers; use the round nose pliers to grip the top of the head pin. While still holding securely, pull the head pin toward you, bending it into a 45 degree angle.
F: Continue by turning the head pin away from you until you’ve completed on full loop. Repeat this technique trying to make the loops consistent in size.

Step 2: Attach Dangles to Woodland Pendant
A: Attach 6mm jump ring to Woodland Pendant and one link of 6mm Fine Chain. Attach another 6mm Fine Chain link with a 6mm jump ring. So you have the Woodland Leaf, 6mm jump ring, 6mm Fine Chain link, 6mm jump ring and one link of 6mm Fine Chain. This is the base from which you will begin to attach the dangles at different levels.
B: The dangles may be attached directly to the jump rings/links or with a 4mm jump ring. Have fun with this part. Let the beads guide you. They will dangle in a grape cluster.

Step 3: Making the Chain Bead Links
A: Ceramic Bead Link. String one 3mm crystal, one 7mm Flower Petal bead cap, one ceramic bead, one 7mm Flower Petal bead cap, one 3mm crystal onto a 1 ½” eye pin. Make a simple loop. Repeat this to create 8 links.
B: Oval Filigree Bead Link. String one 3 mm crystal, one 12mm Oval Filigree bead, one 3 mm crystal onto a 1 ½” eye pin. Make a simple loop. Repeat this to create 6 Oval Filigree bead links.
C: Round Filigree Bead Link. String one 3 mm crystal, one 7mm Round Filigree bead, one 3mm crystal onto a 1 ½” eye pin. Make a simple loop. Repeat this to create 2 Round Filigree bead links.

Step 4: Attaching the Bead Links
A: Double 7mm Etched Cable chain links and a 6mm jump ring will attach to the bead links that you have just made.
B: Using the 7mm Etched Cable chain, open up and detach 36 links with two chain nose pliers. Once off the chain, close carefully to have a smooth beautiful link.
C: Start with one ceramic bead link. Attach a 6mm jump ring to the simple loop and two 7mm Etched Cable links. Repeat with the following, oval link, ceramic link, oval link, ceramic link, oval link, ceramic link, round link. This is one side of the chain. It has eight bead links. Put this aside.
D: The other side of the chain also has eight bead links, but starts with the Oval Filigree link giving the piece asymmetrical interest. Once finished with this side you will have two pieces of linked chain.

Step 5: Attaching the Pendant to the Chain
A: Lay out the two pieces of linked chain that you have just created so that you one ceramic bead link on one side and one oval filigree bead link on the other side. Attach a 6mm jump ring and two 7mm Etched Cable to each of the simple loops of these links.
B: Open up the 4 Etched Cable links and attach to the top 6mm Fine Cable link of the Woodland Pendant.

Step 6:The Finish is Everything!
A: Glue two Leaf Toggle Rings together. Let it dry. Attach a 6mm jump ring to the toggle and the last double Etched Cable link.
B: Attach a 6mm jump ring to the Leaf Toggle Bar. Put the Leaf Toggle Bar through the Leaf Toggle Ring and attach the 3 extra three dangles you made to the jump ring. Attach one link of the 7mm Cable Chain to the bar jump ring underneath. Attach another 6mm jump ring to this link and attach to the last double Etched Cable link.

Note: This is a decorative toggle. The dangle will prevent the bar from slipping through. Grape Swirl Necklace was designed to slip over your head. You have the option of attaching a lobster clasp to the Leaf Toggle Ring, if you would like to make a shorter version.

Your necklace is complete, enjoy!

"Inspiration in Every Finding"

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